Chapter Officers
Hannah Pattillo

Chapter President
Major: Nursing Year in College: Senior Member Class: Fall ‘20 Favorite AXID Memory: Getting to run to my big during my Big/Little Reveal, and getting to meet each of the girls in my family! <3
- Email:
Kayla Robinson

Chapter Life Vice President
Major: Exercise Science Year in College: Senior Member Class: Fall ‘21 Favorite AXID Memory: The day I got my Big who is now my biggest supporter and role model!
- Email:
Mary Beth Fason

Communications Vice President
Major: Elementary Education Year in College: Senior Member Class: Fall ‘21 Favorite AXID Memory: Meeting my best friend in the whole world, Emilie! Emilie was a potential new member that I met during Sisterhood Day of my first year recruiting as an Alpha Xi. She too became an Alpha Xi that Fall and instantly became my partner in crime! She’s my Little within the Chapter, my number one supporter, and favorite person overall. I’m so thankful AXID brought us together! <3
- Email:
Sachi Gandhi

Finance and Operations Vice President
Major: Marketing with a minor in Spanish Year in College: Senior Member Class: Spring ‘22 Favorite AXID Memory: My first time celebrating Bid Day as a sister!
- Email:
Kynley Mixon

Membership Vice President
Major: Marketing Year in College: Senior Member Class: Fall ‘21 Favorite AXID Memory: Getting my Big and Little! They are my best friends and have truly made my AXID experience the best that it can be!
- Email:
Breana Brooks

Member Development Vice President
Major: Nursing Year in College: Senior Member Class: Spring ‘22 Favorite AXID Memory: The day of my Big/Little Reveal and getting my Littles!
- Email:
Gillian Baltrus

Philanthropy Vice President
Major: Public Relations Year in College: Senior Member Class: Fall ‘21 Favorite AXID Memory: Running home after being a Pi Chi in 2023!
Priscilla Howie

Panhellenic Delegate
Major: Construction Management Year in College: Junior Member Class: Fall ‘22 Favorite AXID Memory: Running across the KSU Green and home to Alpha Xi Delta on my Bid Day!
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